Marco Diversi Social Media Linktree Alternative And #1 Free Link In Bio Template

Linktree Alternative And #1 Free Link In Bio Template

Linktree Alternative And #1 Free Link In Bio Template post thumbnail image

LinkTree and ContactInBio are two very smart ideas that will give you the chance to get more conversions via your Instagram link.

On Instagram there is a rule that you can only have one link on your profile, so you must make that link profitable.

If you are wondering how LinkTree works, the idea behind ContactInBio and LinkTree is to create a landing page where you will be able to drop buttons with several links on it.


linktree instagram page example


The thing is that you have no control over these links! The whole world is using these services to create redirect links to a landing page hosted on LinkTree or whatever else service you will use!

Some people is bad people and these links will be blacklisted and marked as spam from Google, hence your site could get marked as spam as well.

Also, you don’t want to pass authority to linktree or other sites, you can read about backlinks and authority on my other article.




In this article, I am going to give you a free downloadable template I have made in less than 20 minutes and the instructions on how to use it!

You will have then a cooler and most efficient LinkTree for your website completely for free.

It is not worth to spend money on something you can create yourself and more efficiently in less than 20 minutes!



Why You Should Not Use LinkTree Or ContactInBio For Your Link In Bio


First of all, these websites are used by a huge amount of people and a lot of these people are spammers.

This sooner or later will lead to having the domain blacklisted.

You probably don’t believe me but even and other big websites are completely blacklisted.

The easiest way to find out if a website is blacklisted or not is via the Sucuri SiteCheck! You can test any website for free and here are the results for:

  1. LinkTree sucuri results!
  2. sucuri results!
  3. ContactInBio sucuri results!

Note that ContactInBio is a brand new service, now in 2018 is not blacklisted yet! Come back in a few months and it will be blacklisted if people will start using it.

If you are considering to use still to create your microlanding pageContactInBio is better than, but my template is way beyond all of these two services.

Having your site pointing to one of these services is very bad for SEO! You don’t want to do that and you should create your multilink page.

On top of these bad problem discussed above here is my top 10 list of why you should not use LinkTree and build your own landing page instead.

(Or Using My Free Self-Hosted Landing Page Template).



Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Not Use LinkTree

  1. These big redirection services sooner or later will end up being blacklisted because spammers will use them.
  2. You are passing authority and traffic to a spammy site from your nice and clean site.
  3. The free version has their logo on it and it would make look your brand less important than their brand.
  4. You can’t customize it and you can’t create a powerful and nice landing page according to your needs.
  5. You can not track anything, you can just see clicks but you can’t see conversion or other more detailed stuff and you can’t put Google Analytics on it.
  6. You can not have your own URL! You will need to have an ugly link on your social network homepage.
  7. In order to remove their logo and have more features, you will need to pay for a service that is not worth the money for sure.
  8. You can not add cool stuff under the buttons. I am a very minimalistic person so I have just added some social networks icons on my template but you can put whatever stuff you want if you know how to code a bit. To create landing pages like this one these days is very very easy.
  9. If your Instagram profile gets popular and you start getting many clicks, the chances that your domain will be blacklisted or that an overload on link tree can happen can potentially ruin your website and Instagram account.
  10. Exit links on Instagram, Google, Twitter etc… might warn the user that the link is unsafe and the user will bounce back.



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A post shared by Marco Diversi (@marcodiversi) on


The Free LinkTree Solution And Requirements


Now I am going to give you the solution and how to use my free template to have an awesome Instagram bio link.

The solution is to create your own landing page!

If you know how to code a bit you can use frameworks like Bootstrap or MaterializeCSS to make it fully responsive.

You can learn to code and how to make a landing page like this one with freecodecamp, it is 100% free and awesome.

Since this link will go on Instagram, and Instagram is a mobile app mainly, you need your page to be very good when it comes to being responsive.

Bootstrap and MaterializeCSS will make sure that this will happen.

I have personally used Bootstrap for my landing page and here is how it looks on desktop and mobile.


landing marco diversi


Do you like my landing page? (you can customize it the way you want too pretty easily though).

If the answer is yes here I am going to tell you the requirements to have it.

  1. A website hosted somewhere good! I use TMDhosting for all of my websites, it is the best hosting provider I have ever tried.
  2. If you buy your hosting plan now on TMD you will get a domain name for free, and you will need a domain to have a website.
  3. A WordPress website or even better your own coded website.
  4. An FTP client to access your website from a desktop computer. I personally use FileZilla, it is simple and fast.
  5. My template, you can download my free biolink template here.
  6. A coding editor, I personally use but also atom is good.

Apart from the hosting plan, all the other stuff is free and you should already have a hosting plan if you have a website!


Step 1

If you are here you probably have a website already! If you don’t have one I advise you to get a free domain and an awesome hosting with TMDhosting.

Also, I would advise you to take a look at these 2 guides I have made about:

  1. How to start a blog/website
  2. How to use WordPress

You might want to warm up a little bit and complete a few sections of the ‘front end developer‘ section of freecodecamp.

This will just take 2 hours of your time but it can be used for many other things, so it is recommended and it’s fun.

tmdhosting sign up


Step 2

If you buy hosting you will get a free domain! Otherwise, if you don’t have one or if you are looking for a new domain you can get a cheap one using the script below.


Find a domain starting at $0.48

powered by Namecheap


Step 3

You can install WordPress with one click using TMDhosting or any other hosting provider. This will make your website visible online when you type your website URL in your browser.

Or you can create a website if you know how to code the same way I did on my homepage for instance.


Step 4

Once your website is up and running, you need to have access to it from your computer. The best way to do it is via FTP.

Now you want to read the following guide to set up your FTP client on your machine! It works both for a WordPress user and for a not WordPress users.

How to set up an FTP client.

This will basically allow you to play with your websites from your computer.


Don't get scared from this stuff, it is very easy! Share on X


All you need is the username and password and the server URL of your hosting for FileZilla! You can find all of this info from your cPanel.

Depending on what hosting plan you are using this is different. You can find them from your cPanel, under something called usually ‘ FTP accounts’.

Remember that if you are really stuck with it you can always contact me and I will help you in a matter of seconds.


Step 5

Then you need to download my free template. This is created in 20 minutes and it is structured this way for many reasons.




The reason why I have dropped all the files in one folder is that if you are a WordPress user, this will be super easy and it won’t cause any damage or conflicts with your theme.

Some themes in WordPress are using bootstrap themselves and if you are going to drop bootstrap files into your theme folder it can cause problems.

If you have coded your site, this structure will be better for SEO and you can modify colors and stuff on it only for that specific landing page.


Step 5.1.

      1. Download and unzip the folder called biolink.
      2. Take a picture you like or your logo and resize it 80px X 80px .jpg format. You can use this website to resize it.
      3. Rename the picture as you want too and drop it into the biolink folder.
      4. Open the index.php file with or with your coding editor. You can right click on it and choose brackets to open it, otherwise, it will open on your browser by default.
      5. Then you will have access to the code and there are some comments in it you can follow. The grayed ones are comments.
      6. There are numbers like this one to follow ((1)) the first one is changing your page title. All the stuff between the tags can be changed to whatever you want. A tag is usually something that looks like this on<title>stuff you can change</title>.change title template
      7. Point ((2)) you can change the picture, you should give it a description in the alt text, the stuff between quotes "PICTURE DESCRIPTION" can be changed. And you need also to change pic-80x80with the name of your resized pic. You can also change @yourbrand to whatever stuff you want.change brand and pic
      8. On point ((3)) you can change the link where the first button you want it to go when clicked! It is marked like this"#link-number-1"and you need to change it to something like ""this for instance. You can change also what is going to display, TEXT NUMBER 1 can be changed.bootstrap buttons
      9. These blocks can<button class="btn btn-warning btn-lg btn-block" type="button"><a href="#link-number-1" target="_blank">TEXT NUMBER 1</a></button> be removed or added, these will be the buttons available on your landing page.
      10. On the number ((4)) you can play with your social network icons. There is a description and some comments in the index.php file. All you have to do is to drop the links of your social network and change the icons to match the social network you want to use. To change the icons all you have to do is to change the fa-facebook part to fa-twitter for instance if you want to use Twitter instead of Facebook, for each block. You can delete, add and remove networks icons
      11. You can also add other stuff if you want too but then it will be your job.
      12. Now if you remember FileZilla, you will need to log in into it and you will need to drop the biolink folder into the root of your domain that is usually located at public_html/ or public_html/ 1
      13. You can change the name of the biolink folder to whatever name you want too! This name will be the additional part of your Instagram bio link you will put online. My folder name is ‘learn‘. Check out my Instagram Profile.
      14. If for some reasons your web server is configured weird and this will not work, you will need to download this file, call it the same name as your folder, and inside of it, you need to drop this link:, drop this file into your root folder as well outside of the biolink folder. (Change yourwebsite and foldername).
      15. Doing this will guarantee that this will work no matter what.
      16. But if you are on WordPress this should work even without this file in 90% of the cases.
      17. Now it’s time to drop your link on Instagram and test it, if all works you should be able to have your free linktree page.linktree 2
      18. You can put at the end of the code on index.php, scripts and cool stuff! I have the livechat and Google Analytics and StatCounter on it.



How To Do Some Advanced Tracking With This Landing Page

I have mentioned earlier that a very nice advantage of having this landing page is that you can track everything better.


On Link Tree, you will be able to see only how many clicks a link has received.


With my page you can even put a live chat support box, you will be able then to see where the visitor comes from and interact with them live. A very good service is LiveChat and you can get $10 free from the banner below + 30 days free.




If you want to do some more advanced tracking you can just install Google Analytics at the end of the page and set up your analytics conversion parameters.

You can also add the StatCounter code, I like this service a lot because is super easy to read.

If you want to see, the number of clicks, from what IP, device, cookies, conversion and so much more in a super advanced way you can just create a free account with

Then you want to replace all the links placed in point 5.1.8 with the ones created on redtrack.

You can read a tutorial about how to use a tracker here but this is something you want to do only if you are advanced.

If you are at this point you should be able to set up a tracker anywhere.


redtrack fraud score




If you don’t know what and how to put a link in the Instagram bio and you are looking for a free link in bio alternative you are in the right place.

I gave you a free template you can download and use to have a better link tree solution for your website.




Adding links to Instagram and cool stuff to your Insta bio link will be more efficient, nicer and free.


Here You Can Read A Step By Step Tutorial On How To Use My Template. Some People Might Find This Complicated While In Fact, It's Not. Share on X


What I suggest you do is to play some ‘games‘ on freecodecamp and learn to code a bit! Do 3-4 hours of front-end developer course. Then if you need help you can always contact me.

If you are not a newbie with coding, you can change colors of your template from the bootstrap.min.css file in the vendor folder. (or contact me).

I hope that your Instagram Link in bio now looks awesome, feel free to share this article and my template.

This is one the best bio for Instagram you can make, contact me if you need help! Don’t use linktree please, it’s a scam!

Feel free to follow me on IG even though I don't use this account a lot I might post cool stuff one day soon! Share on X

Marco Diversi Eagle Be A Free Man

What You Will Learn On This Blog! 

Stay tuned and subscribe to my blog so you will get notifications on new posts. I will slowly break down these topics: 

  1. SEO(Search Engine Optimization).
  2. Affiliate Marketing.
  3. Free and Paid traffic hacks.
  4. Coding and WordPress
  5. Make money with a computer and an internet connection even while you sleep.

Follow me on social media, you’ve got all the links on the right bottom side of this blog, also comment and contact me if you need help.

Here are my top resources I always use to become a great affiliate, take a look here!

Do you want to be a free man or woman? Jump in the crew then!

 Much Love and Peace Out,

Marco Diversi.

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