Marco Diversi Marco Diversi EN Minimize Redirects From GTmetrix 100% Working | Pause CloudFlare

Minimize Redirects From GTmetrix 100% Working | Pause CloudFlare

Minimize Redirects From GTmetrix 100% Working | Pause CloudFlare post thumbnail image

Your website speed is very important for SEO if you have a website running a shared hosting managed by Cloudflare like here on you might get the ‘minimize redirects‘ warning from GTmetrix.

After a lot of months trying to figure out how to fix it, I was able to find the cause of all of these redirects on my domains.

I still have an open ticket with Cloudflare trying to fix this! But it seems that Cloudflare is not well configured by default on a shared host environment.

With Cloudflare enabled over 67 unnecessary HTTPS are sent each time my website loads. These requests are coming from other websites I don’t own but that reside on my shared host.

Most of these requests are from stuff I don’t even use like Adsense etc… If you want a quick fix to the minimize redirects error from GTmetrix just follow this easy guide.



Minimize Redirects Cloudflare Case Of Study

After spending months trying to optimize my server and all the HTTPS requests, I have discovered that the cause of the minimize redirects error on GTmetrix if you are on shared hosting is Cloudflare.

Cloudflare gets confused and picks up also request from poorly configured websites that lay on your shared hosting.

If you are lucky you might have a less unnecessary request but I am not on this website! I have over 67 requests and even more on other sites I own that don’t belong to my site.

If you are looking for an instant fix for this error all you have to do is to pause Cloudflare.You will immediately see results.

This website is a WordPress site on a TMDhosting Cloud shared hosting managed by Cloudflare.


Here is the screenshot for with CLOUDFLARE ON


minimize redirects with cloudflare on

As we can see the site speed is pretty good for a shared hosting! I have optimized my site with the configuration you can copy on your site as well from the button below.




Then in the screenshot below you can see how drastically the errors from GTmetrix are disappearing with CLOUDFLARE PAUSED.

The minimize redirects errors completely vanishes and I get 100% of a good score on it. Even the leverage browsing cache improved significantly.


minimize redirects with cloudflare on

I am not going to tell you to remove Cloudflare from your site, but this will solve this problem.

Then it will be your job to configure your server the way that it needs to be configured accordingly to your needs.

I suggest you keep Cloudflare enabled! In most of the cases even with more requests to the origin server your website speed will be still higher with an enabled Cloudflare.


How To Pause Cloudflare

And now you might be wondering how to pause Cloudflare on your site. This feature is hidden under the advanced tab on the overview tab of your Cloudflare dash.

how to pause cloudflare on a website

You will still get your HTTPS certificate and the Cloudflare origin server fully managed via the Cloudflare nameservers.

But you will not have all the other Cloudflare features like, gzip compression, brotli, auto minify, Cloudflare rules! The traffic will go from your server to your website without using any CDN feature.

What I would do is to pause it and run GTmetrix a few times. Often the GTmetrix results are different especially on a shared hosting.

I am pretty sure that you will eliminate the minimize redirects error, but I am not sure that your site will actually go faster.

This depends on many factors. Here are the steps you need to follow to have your website free of errors:

  1. follow my guide on how to speed up WordPress.
  2. run 5 gtmetrix test with Cloudflare enabled.
  3. pause Cloudflare.
  4. run 5 gtmetrix tests with Cloudflare paused. 
  5. Compare the results, the most important is the site speed.
  6. If you get better results with Cloudflare paused, and you get no minimize redirects error! Contact Cloudflare and ask how to remove the redirects with Cloudflare On.
  7. If you get better speed results with Cloudflare ON, and still the redirect error, it’s not Cloudflare fault.

In the picture below you can see how to resume Cloudflare.

resume cloudflare on a website



In conclusion the minimize redirects error from GTmetrix and even the leverage browser caching error on GTmetrix can be eliminated pausing Cloudflare on a shared host.

This is not a final solution since you will need to find out why these errors are happening on your server. Once you have measured your site speed before and after Cloudflare is paused, you will need to contact Cloudflare and ask how to remove the redirect on your origin server.

This might take a little bit of time to be fixed from them! So if your website speed improves with Cloudflare paused just keep it paused until you have a better solution.

This is the only guide on the internet that is instantly solving the minimized redirects problem from GTmetrix.

You will be astonished to see how much time you have spent searching on Google how to fix this while, in reality, it was not even your fault.

If this guide helped you please share it with your friends or comment below if you have any questions. Share on X

Marco Diversi Eagle Be A Free Man

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Much Love and Peace Out,

Marco Diversi.

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