Most of the people don't take action with affiliate marketing because they don't know where to start and they want immediate results.
Making money online comes with the package "no efforts to make cash" but this is not quite the case.
What Hosting? Which affiliate network? What kind of offer? What tracker? country? Which traffic source?
Instead of reading this, what you should do is open this page on a screen and take action on the other screen.
I will write here how to set up a paid campaign that can eventually be profitable.
This is how these tutorials will be laid out!
Day 1: Preparation Work
Day 2: Offers
Day 3: Tracker
Day 4: Setting Up a Campaign - 1
Day 4: Setting Up a Campaign - 2
Day 5: Optimizing a Direct-Linked Pop Campaign - 1
Day 6: Optimizing a Direct-Linked Pop Campaign - 2
Day 7: Explanations
Day 8-9: Testing
Day 10: When Campaign Performance Is Over
Day 11-12: More CPA Networks
Day 13-17: How to Test In Mass
Day 13-17: Mass Testing
Day 18: Direct-Linking to Other Offers
Day 19-20: Landing Pages
Day 21: Hosting and a CDN
Day 22: Steal Landers from Spy Tools
Day 23-26: Adjust The Landers
Day 27: Optimizing The Landing Pages
Day 28-31: How To Test Landing Pages A/b testing
Day 32-36: Test More Offers
Day 37-40: Scaling For Other Offers
Stay Tuned,
Marco Diversi